90Min Bike, May 14, 2019. ~Heat Training. Failed~
IRONMAN Marbella 70.3 is over and Kona race is in 2 weeks. I took about 10 days of recovery and this is the first somewhat serious bike workout.
Since Hawaii race will be done in much warmer climate than I’m used to, I need to train for that. To do so, I implement the “heat training“. I am not using fan + wearing warm cycling pants, windbreaker, long-sleeved shirt underneath and a heat.
10′ easy spin
Complete 75′ ride holding 150-175
At the top of the 20th min put in 5×5′ bouts at 205-210W on 3′ soft pedal
5′ easy spin
FUEL No fueling. Workout performed in PM. Properly hydrated and eaten. | HYDRATION Water only |
Pre-weight: 70kg | |
Post-weight: 68kg | |
Liquids consumed: 1580mL | |
Sweat Rate: 2187 ml/hour |
Total fluid loss:
I totally failed to complete this workout as prescribed. Again…
I am beyond being disappointed with my bike performance over the past 2.5 months. I’ve been steadily declining up to this point, where I can barely hold 140 Watts…
I try so hard, I put so much effort, but I keep on failing and failing. I am not enjoying the workouts. With so manny failures I am afraid of bike. I don’t even want to touch it. My confidence on the bike is below the ground. I absolutely HATED this workout.
What is wrong? I can’t find the answer.
What am I doing wrong? What is missing?
I need help, I can’t figure it out on my own.
Lessons Learned:
Didn’t learn anything…
Besides that next time use the “standart mode” instead of “erg” on the trainer.