I often meet people, healthy people, who tell me they wish they “could” run, wish they “could” bike, wish they ”could” get in shape. They wish they had the discipline or self-control needed. They act as if you are either born with this mysterious gift of willpower or not…
The bad news is that no one is born with it, but the good news is that it is trainable. So you tried going on a diet and couldn’t stick with it? You started a new business and it failed? The relationship you thought was “the one” fell apart? None of those experiences are “good”. However on the flip side, people that went through those experiences came out better, stronger, tougher, especially if they used that setback as a way to learn to avoid repeating mistakes. IT’S ALL GOOD MENTAL TRAINING.
…it’s been 7.5 hours of constant running and I definitely don’t feel like continue the race as my body is hurting and doing everything possible and impossible to stop me from continuing. I’ve got one more hour until the finish line is closed and that means only one thing to me – I’ve got a chance to continue and achieve my goal of 30 miles. Unless I’m suffering a serious physical injury that prevents me from taking a step, I know I’m not going to stop. I know I’m going to continue on, come hell or snow. 30 miles behind, 8 hours of constant running, but still finding enough energy to crack that awkward smile on my face… This race costed me three nails on my toes and the level of physical pain I haven’t experienced before. It made me tougher and stronger, as IT’S ALL GOOD MENTAL TRAINING!