A dazzling new memoir by Oleksandr Tereshchuk
“On My Own”
The world is changing. Jobs have disappeared. Markets have crashed. Industries have been disrupted and are being remade before our eyes. Everything we thought was “safe,” no longer is: College. Employment. Retirement. Government. No longer is someone coming to hire you, to invest in your company, to sign you, to pick you.
“I was looking for the truth. I wanted to understand. When the truth revealed itself – it hit me like a brick wall. I thought I wanted the answers, but once they started coming at me, I wasn’t ready. I wanted to stop seeing and hearing, but I couldn’t.”
“There is pain that uses you and there is a pain that you use.”
Oleksandr Tereshchuk is a former autonomous vehicle engineer, competitive Triathlete, and the founder of Deep Work Studios Inc. It was his layoff from the company due to COVID that set him on the inner journey. During his cross-Canada trip, a realization struck him: he wanted to inspire others to live more meaningful lives… but first, he needed to figure things out for himself.
On my Own is the story of Oleksandr’s journey of radically changing his lifestyle, navigating the pandemic world and facing his demons in an effort to answer to himself: “Who am I?” He shares raw and intimate stories from his life.
Oleksandr writes vividly and with powerful honesty about relationships, mental health challenges, self-taught entrepreneurs and society’s expectations of him. The eye-opening story in On my Own is an incredible story of a young man who puts a question of “Who am I?” among all others.
“I went on a journey of finding myself. Soul and tears were poured into this memoir, and I hope it wakes your heart and perhaps shows you life from a different perspective.”
Now Available on Kindle
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Three Chapters,
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