All the stretches I’m going to show, are the basic stretches that you need to maintain on a regular basis. Ideally this routine will be done at least twice a week.
- Start on all fours with hands directly under shoulders, knees under hips.
- Walk hands a few inches forward and spread fingers wide, pressing palms into mat.
- Curl toes under and slowly press hips toward ceiling, bringing your body into an inverted V, pressing shoulders away from ears. Feet should be hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.
- Hold for 3 full breaths.
Hip Flexor Stretching
They let you to walk, kick, bend, and swivel your hips. But if your muscles are too tight or if you make a sudden movement, your hip flexors can stretch or tear. This stretch will help keep your hip flexors loose and prevent injuries.
- Squeeze your butt cheek
- Engage your core
- Don’t spike your toes. Keep your foot flat to create a greater stretch
- Hold for 30-40 seconds
Quadriceps stretching:
Running involves your quadriceps or “quads,” which is the group of muscles at the front of your thigh, attached at the top of the kneecap . This stretch will increase the range of motion around a joint and also loosens up the stiffness in the muscles.
Same deal here:
- Squeeze your butt cheek
- Engage your core
- Toes are flat
- Hold for 30-40 seconds
Glute Stretch:
When your glutes are tight and fatigued they can cause you to have a sore lower back and hamstrings, poor balance, and even shooting nerve pain down your leg due to sciatica. Regular stretching will prevent these.
- Both hips are parallel to the floor. (you should feel a good stretch on the foot turned to the side)
- You can play with this pose, rocking side to side.
- Hold for 40-60 seconds on each side.
If you want to feel a greater stretch, reach the arm of the feet bent up and to the side.
Adductor Stretching:
You use this muscle during any type of athletic motion that requires you to move your legs from side to side, such as ice skating, kicking a soccer ball or volleying in tennis. Stretching this muscle can help prevent and rehabilitate groin injuries.
- You’re on one knee.
- Arms on the ground, supporting you.
- The leg you are stretching is straight with foot flat on the ground.
- Sit back and hang in there for 30-40 seconds
Kneeling Hamstring Stretch:
Tight hamstrings reduce the mobility of the pelvis, which can put pressure on the lower back. This stretch will prevent them from becoming too tight and provide extra support for the back and pelvis.
- Kneel down on one knee and place your other leg straight out in front with your heel on the ground.
- Keep your back straight, hands on the ground in front. Make sure your toes are pointing straight up.
- Slowly move your hips back using your arms for balance.
- Hold this stretch for about 20 to 30 seconds and repeat at least 2 to 3 times.
Level Leg Extension:
- Start in neutral quadruped position: arms
under shoulders, knees under hips, chin
tucked for neutral cervical spine, flat
lumbar/thoracic spine (engage abdominals). - From a neutral quadruped position, extend
one hip and knee backwards while
maintaining spine in neutral position. - Control leg extension by engaging abdominals.
- Come back to starting position. Repeat 5 times on each leg.
If you feel strong, keeping your spine and waist long, extend one leg back and up, as you simultaneously extend the opposite arm just parallel to the floor. Alternate 4-6 repetitions on each side.
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